
The Media is an agent for social control

The Media is an agent for social control, the ideology was occupied very big part of it. It is key concept in media studies.In this essay, we will focus on the various theories and concepts covered.

First of all, Ideology refers to a collection of ideas; it has a very extensive use in the media sector. the word was created in 1796 by Count Destutt de Tracy, which is used to define a "concept of scientific. Ideology can be understood to be an understanding of the imagination, a view of things (such as worldview). Exists some consensus and philosophical trends, or is the concept put forward by all members of society by the ruling class in society. On the other hand, it is important to understanding the media, its importance, the importance of ideology, communication Studies, dissemination of research disciplines to expand and illustrate three aspects of the role as the news media researchers, because the development of media and ideology are inextricably close relationship.  For example, Human is the ideology of the animal, anyone can not highlight the ideology of the siege, people are forced or consciously living in the ideology. Similarly, the media is not a channel, rather construction. It is not to reflect reality but construct reality. And is not purely objective, should be is the sum of the ideology.

Then, will explain the relationship between ideology, society and power. Ideology is a service of the power of significance, while the significance of service to establish and support the systematic asymmetric power relations, including political domination and economic notification. Some people think that the interpretations of the philosophical framework are attributed to the communication for the function, which means that ideology played a significant role in the social construction. Few people will pay attention to payment and social power relations mediation, which means that the creative process. However, ideology is a useful inspiration concept, which provides a background of power relations in this communication process. It is believed that communication involves not only the process of creating meaning, but is also inherent in the relations of domination, production and reproduction of the means, as the ideas of the conceptual link between communication and power.

Ideology is a dominant ideology, a collection of ideas. It is also a symbolic symbol, symbolic forms of social use. Any type of social ideology, there is a certain economic base to reflect society. Superstructure services economic base. Therefore, the mainstream ideology in a society is often the dominant ideology of the ruling class. Generally have a high degree of fusion power, a stronger spread of power and wide recognition. However, with the progress of the times, the culture changes, changes in the economic base to improve the mainstream ideology of the corresponding changes in even a qualitative change. The dominant ideology is a collection of shared values and beliefs of a particular community; the majority of the population of the mainstream ideology framework that social interests of the ruling class. The theory summarized in the slogan: the dominant ideology is the ideology of the ruling class.

Ideologies are spread through society via the media. Although the media is not the only way of ideological construction, it is built form the main direction. The media in the dissemination of information resulting in the exact interaction and support, to define the broad parameters of such information has the ideology, but they do not all ideology. According to that these information or symbolic forms in a certain social background to judge. For example: In 2010, the US-Japan joint military exercise in the event, all media is hope for world peace and oppose hegemony and to solve the problem through consultation, because the media as a social and public utilities, and the principle of objectivity is the core concept. However, the United States, "Global Times" military exercises in self-defense behavior in the United States and Japan, is a resistance to the expansion of the military of other countries. USA and Japan capitalist countries are typical of hegemonies and ideology. Ideology (such as political control and economic interests), media also has the passive side.

The theory of ideology is a major component of Marxism, is also most original One of the contributions Marx's analysis of consciousness and cultural analysis. Marx groundbreaking laid the basic framework of the critique of ideology. In his writings, the idea of ideology is continuous. It can be roughly summarized as the following three points: Firstly, is the "derogatory", Marx thought that the ideology is false, non-scientific concepts. The second is "neutral", his ideology as a neutral, descriptive concept, and understand the general concept of class bias has no position. The third is "integrated" to distinguish between the need to use language. Summed up the ideology of Marx is a negative, critical area. It is mainly to want to contact with the capitalist mode of production. 

Ideological pluralism is reflected in it as a theory of thinking and a certain theoretical basis. It does not have a unified guiding ideology, but a variety of co-doctrine they use specific practices combine to form an uncertain, fuzzy theory of pluralism, such as functionalism. Functionalist view that interconnection and joint efforts of all the elements in a society. They feel that society is useful, and need to the human body. Have a purpose and even things like crime, functionalism is different from other, it creates, such as police work, this is by culture, centralized system, and stressed the interaction of its social function. In the work of American sociologist Parsons said, functionalism is a stable, interdependent social structure of the system. The community needs to support the operation of a society, and in such a way as to extend and simplify the relationship between individual institutions and the Structure of Social Action.

In the current media environment, the ideology is still one of the country's most important forces. Construction of ideology, the new media technologies had a tremendous impact. The ideology of the threshold is decreasing, in fact refers to the ideological security risk in the increase. Conflict with the clash of different ideologies is more direct, intense and diverse. New media for mainstream ideology to build a great challenge, such as decades, the United States overweening hegemony, and anti-communist ideology consistently, it is a very great importance to ideology and Cost Control ideological state. For the world, top-down mode of transmission of the traditional media. Determine the media, the higher the value the closer the source of information which formed the core values of traditional media - authoritative. For new media, the closer the consumer lifestyle media, the more likely the formation of value. For the present world, the media shape and disseminate environmental each passing day, the endless variety of new media, causing a profound change in social, political, economic, cultural, ethical and other fields. This is a network era; the Internet is full of amateur, another aspect of television from black and white to color, from silent to sound. To the current digital and personalized network television, people can watch TV anywhere, anytime. What happened next change the case of mobile phones, from communications to entertainment, it's getting smaller and smaller area, function and more powerful.

Media as a form of social control tools and instruments, mainly through the guidance of public opinion and public opinion supervision, establishment and consolidation of beliefs, social cues and education to achieve its social control function. Positive function of both social control of mass media, there are also negative function. Social control of the negative function of the mass media will have a negative impact, this impact is reflected in: the excessive intervention of social policy would undermine the formal control forces, affect the control effect of the uncertainty of the direction of public opinion, unreasonable social cues easily mislead a member of the public mass media over-reliance on the improvement of the quality of the members of society and social relationships harmonious. Understanding of the social control function and its mechanism of action of the mass media, face the negative function of the mass media to the negative impact of social control, to contribute to a better realization of social control, help to promote the harmonious development of society. With the continuous development of information networks and communication technologies, mass media is the social life of the people play and a growing important effect.

Legislative control and public opinion control the external control areas, which are mainly mandatory social forces as the basis of its role. Therefore, they cannot control the hidden part of the members of society life, not by making people avoid tainted with evil intention to control the people. It can be used to shape the typical control public personal ideals. Revolutionary character and good deeds through the film, television, newspapers and news and other forms of communication, advocacy, advocate of the public to establish a good social ideals, Encouraging innovation through the propaganda of advanced characters and deeds. Then through the training and indoctrination of ideology to guide the formation of common values. Ideological control is the key to social control, the ruling class and the ruling party of any country in order to maintain and consolidate the existing political order, cannot give up the right to speak of ideology. The consolidation of ideological positions is often achieved through the media. Through repeated communication to the public and instill on behalf of the ideology of the ruling group and the ruling party interests, the media in depicting affect people's cognitive structure so as to maintain and consolidate the existing social order. With the continuous advancement of communication technologies and means of communication and constantly enrich the mass media has become an important carrier of education. It greatly expanded the scope of the educated, and to promote the innovation of education, such as distance education and multimedia learning. Broader participation in the process of public education, it also bears the function of social control. As a cultural product, the mass media works, especially film and television work to show to people is an ideal scene. First of all, the mass media through the spread of the existing system support political culture, political socialization through realize to the social members of political control. The one hand, the mass media culture through political education of individual political participation, enthusiasm and ability. on the other hand, the mass media and political education to develop public recognition of the existing political system and political values, loyalty and responsibility.

In conclusion, According to the above content, we can know the wide range of media and ideology is very important for the media. According to the present situation, TV media control by authoritarian governments, mainly for government service. Media news reports, in a totalitarian society is often misinterpreted as “propaganda”, mainly reflecting the government's voice, rather than the voice of the people, so the TV is gradually reduced to a second media. The Internet is gradually increased as the first media, and its benefits are reflected in the pluralism.

